Thursday, May 30, 2024

5-27 Elmina Castle

 Another day, another castle!  This is Elmina Castle.  They have tours that show you all the slave quarters as Oso Castle did.  We opted out again and just took photos.  

But inside what had been the Portuguese Church at one time there is now a museum that gives the much older history of the area.  This was so interesting.  I am putting all these photos of the writeups they had on this blog for my own information.

At the Elmina Beach Resort where we are staying - there are plaques designating the different wings to the Asafo companies.  I did not understand what it meant.  This explains it.

Back to my own photos.  

I didn't do all the steps and all the levels.  My left thigh is still sore from my fall.  But I could get some nice shots from higher up.  This was a market a short distance away.

Then I heard some chanting.  Looking down at the beach I saw these people pulling the boat onto the shore.  The chant was to keep them pulling together.

This was another group of people getting ready to do something in the water.

The Jago Fort.  See Michael's post for more history:

Michael and Shadrack waiting in the shade for me.

Then we went back to the resort to take some last photos from the grounds and back towards the Castle and Fort.  And then packed up to drive back to Takoradi.

Here is the plaque that was posted by our wing - So glad that I finally got an explanation about these companies.

1 comment:

  1. Those boats are big, considering people have to move them by hand!
