Wednesday, May 22, 2024

5-21 Accra Steet Scenes

 Today has been another strange day of touring.  Because it always takes so long to get everywhere, I have become enamored with the bill boards.  They speak English here - but it has been adapted to their way of thinking.  So a lot of times I have to ask what it means.  I have seen one billboard many times that shows a man in a suit with a nice business shirt on.  The sign says, this shirt obeys your body.  What the heck does that mean?  We decided it meant the shirt conforms to the shape of your body.  Michael says - no  I don't want that shirt.  I want to disguise my body.  This shirt is only for young buff men!  

This sign is interesting.

How about this one.

This billboard says "Make we do am!"  It means something like "you can do it".  It is a play on native language words translated into English.  

We drove through this area that is known for having everything that you could possible want - for sale.  There are malls here, but all these places must sell the same items for less.

We are entering an area where the European era buildings are located.

This is a shrine - in the middle of the road.

Alcohol advertisement.

The roads are terrible here - so you need this truck to make it through them!

This sign reads:  It is not about the deals we do - it is about what those deals do."  Do they actually work - I don't know.

A lot of times they will have repeated signs for the same thing all in a row along the side of the road.  There were 5-8 of these all slightly different.

Ghana is also having elections this November.  There seem to be lots and lots of men running for president.  Mary said she had voted last election, but her candidate did not win, so she won't vote again.  I don't know if that is a common reaction.


  1. I was thinking about how it is different in Spain compared to the US, because advertisements are not allowed along the highways here. You've got the opposite there, and I can see why it would be entertaining.
    It's so interesting to see the type of English spoken there.

  2. it must be a lot to see how differently others live in the world
