Sunday, May 5, 2024

5-1 A walk and then a Thai Breakast

 We took a walk.  Michael had actually gone out early in the morning and discovered where the Thai people close to us get their breakfast.

Michael checking his phone for directions.  He is right in front of our gate.  At the top of the lane we turn right for the short walk to the main drag.

The gate to our abode.  We are at the Ananda Pool Villa.  Down the hill to the left of us the street dead-ends at the Green View Resort.  It became easier to just tell Grab drivers to pick us up or drop us off at Green View Resort.  Everyone seemed to know where that was.

Next door to us is this garage.  In the photos on-line the driveway did not show.  I was afraid it was a metro car coming out of a tunnel.  So glad it was not!

This couple worked well to gether.  She is making coconut pancakes.  In the box in the center bottom of the photo are quail eggs.  They are made in that same pan.  He is packaging the items and adding the condiments.

The 7-11 just behind him was a life saver to us in other Asian countries so we had to check it out.  The coke machines were not working.  I love the sign on the second one, "Improve machine"!

We took our purchases home.  We ate a typiclal Thai breakfast of fried chicken, bananas and squash fried in coconut flakes.

And coconut pancakes.  These are made in halves and then put together.  The batter is custard like.  The outside gets crispy while the inside is like custard.

We will pass this house many times in our neighborhood walks.  it is gated off.  It seems so random to see a beautiful house like this tucked into the same street that has wall to wall food stands and restaurants.


  1. Yes, it would be interesting to know how the people in the nice house/resort chose the location.

  2. the combination of the fried chicken and pancakes is reminiscent of fried chicken and waffles in the US
