Friday, May 17, 2024

5-14 Taxsim Square and the Mostly Flat Walk Home

 We got off the ferry at Kabatas Iskelesi.  From there we took the funicular up to Taxsim Square.

Not much was going on here.  Flags waving, a few food carts.  A mosque in the background.

A trolley to take you into the tourist area.


The Istanbul sign.

Michael buys a simit.  

We start our walk to our apartment.  According to Michael's directions - our walk home should be mostly flat.  

I stop to give Michael a rest - no maybe - because I see these great reflections in a round metal post.

A view back towards the mosque.

We head down.

And down more.  There are steps down to even lower streets.

Or roads up.  But there is no way you can tell me we are on flat ground.

Another kind of broom.

If we are on flat ground, why are the steps so steep?

We pass the "Anti-social Club

Interesting building in need of renovation.

There is a beauty salon on the left.  This car is picking up all the women who have had their hair and nails done.  The driver honks his horn madly as he drives off down the hill.  - the hills we have to climb down..

We have seen so many stores that sell manikins.  This is an unusual arrangement - as all have their backsides facing the window.  We are almost at the flat area where it is only a block or two to our apartment.  Maybe "mostly flat" means Hey it will be steep down hill, but when you get to your apartment it will be flat.