Thursday, May 16, 2024

5-14 Istanbul Karokoy to Eminono

We have been to Istanbul several times already - and this time we really only have a day to enjoy it.  I kept 129 of the photos - I took something like 300.  So this will take multiple posts.  Every time I have been to Istanbul the pictures end up so vibrant.

Today we are going to focus on the ferry system to get around.  Our Airbnb apt is in the Beyoglu part of Istanbul, fairly close to Taxsim Square.   So we took an uber to get to the ferry station in Karokoy. 

It is a picture perfect day - blue skies with puffy clouds.  We take photos around the area and then walk across the Galata bridge to Eminono.

We start our walk across the bridge - it looks to be a ways - but we are distracted by the beauty before us and all the fisherman/women.

This women had a baby stroller as part of her fishing gear.  

This guy caught my eye and posed for me.

They were catching all these tiny fish that look like sardines..

This enterprising shoe polisher got Michael's attention.  He dropped his brush right in front of Michael and kept walking.  Michael being a helping person picked it up and ran after him to return it.  The salesman gave profuse thanks and went on his way.  Except a few seconds later - as if he had just thought of it, he ran back to Michael and mimicked he wanted to shine Michael's shoes.  Of course there was a price for it.  It was a scam to be sure!  

This fisherman had three different hooks hanging from his rod - all three had fish on them.  You can see the fish in his right hand as he is taking it off the hook.  What ever he was using for bait was working!

Getting close to the Eminono side of the bridge.

Across the road at the end of the bridge - another mosque.

I watched a man shuck corn to roast - here is the finished product for sale amongst other food items.

1 comment:

  1. it's so neat they let everyone fish from the bridge. It clearly is a great place despite the popularity. There must be a ton of fish there!
