Friday, May 31, 2024

5-26 Ghana Beach Resorts.

 Ghana is definitely not tourist ready - except for very high end.  Otherwise everything is a crap shoot.  We have experienced the up and mostly downs of this industry.  Our apartment in Accra, according to Michael, was the best he had ever experienced in his 19 trips to Accra.

But once we started to visit resorts things got dicey.  Our first resort, Venice Beach, had beautiful photos on their website showing mostly the beach.  Their cabins were pits of horror.  We got out of there because our driver, Shadrack, has driven a lot of people to this area as it is in oil and gas country.  A lot of his clients are high end managers who stayed at the Maaha Resort.  He got us a good price.  Original quoted price for our room was $282 a night.  But this is the slow season - we got it for $150 a night.  Still waiting for a refund from the horrible Venice Beach place.

The bar where we had some great meals - usually the only ones there.

I wanted to stay here - and not tempt fate at our next resort reservation!  But our last day in the Takoradi area is at a Best Western.

I am not sure why these are so dark - but hey the view was pretty good and the room was OK.


  1. I'm glad the driver was able to help you find a better place. Those are nice beach photos!

  2. this also reminds me some of India. Places that were built terribly but looked good. the interiors were falling apart.
