Friday, May 17, 2024

5-14 Istanbul Ferries - Kadikoy Iskeles to Kabatas Istelesi

 When we got off the ferry at Kadikoy Iskeles there didn't seem like much to see - it just appeared to be a very drap busy local port.  This is a lot more challenging to photograph than the beauty of the water and the bridge we had just seen.  

So of-course you take a photo of a customer perusing what to buy outside a bakery.

And a photo of some famous person with a store selling suitcases next to it.  The suitcases remind us that my suitcase handle broke a week ago - making it very difficult to pull around.

Signs for three different erotic shops next to each other.

A used bookstore.

Bags of cement.

Wall art above an Otopark.

Maybe a series on people sitting in doorways?  

Or maybe the subject should be autoparks.  This one has a little house on top of the attendants box.

The locals shooting the breeze.

No series here - just one public Turkish bath.  Women enter on the left and men on the right.  Weird thing - the men's opens up much earlier than the women's side does.

French bread and Turkish Simit - much like a pretzel.

More men shooting the breeze.

Painted on a wall above an otopark.

As in most really old cities - the streets are very narrow.  Modern vehicles find turning a corner very challenging.  Traffic from all directions stopped for a time as this truck tried to maneuver around the turn.

People watching the truck.

This guy was on the same corner - but he didn't stop to observe.  It's happened too many times before.

At the next cross street there is a similar problem.  The street straight ahead is blocked off, but a blue van has parked in front of the barrier with its back end sticking out. Traffic keeps trying to get around him, but small pyramid shaped cement piece that keep cars from parking on the sidewalk kept getting in the way.

More men shooting the breeze.

Another Otopark.

We decide to move on and go back to the ferry port.  The men above are carrying simits.

The ferry ride on to Kabatas Iskelesi.

Very near here is a funicular up to Taksim Square.  That is where we are headed next.