Tuesday, May 21, 2024

5-21 Jamestown and the Jamestown Lighthouse

 We took Sunday as a rest day.  Monday was an office day.  I decided that I would not go into the Theodora office with Michael on Monday and rest again.  I have not had time to catch up on blog and Facebook posts. It was the right decision.

On Tuesday we have another tour day.  I have been very disappointed with our tour guide.  Most of the time she doesn't seem to know where to go.  And when we get there - she hires (at our expense) another guide to actually give us the history of the place.  I had no idea what to expect in Ghana - and I don't think Michael did either.  As he has mostly come to Ghana to work.  

Today we are going to the Jamestown area and to see the Jamestown Lighthouse.  I have been warned that Jamestown is a slum.  So the first problem is trying to find a place to park near the tourist office where we are to meet our local guide.  

We see these people having a very loud - seems like argument.  No, Mary says - they are just having a conversation.  

We are led into this parking spot - Mary's car scrapes on high bumps on the ground.  She is not happy.

First we park in front of this store - we will have to move as we are in the way of traffic.

These boys want their photo taken - but they are very serious.

While we wait for our guide we walk towards the water.  This hill leads down to a fenced in area for cows on the edge of the water.  It is smelly and their is much trash on the hill.  We decide not to go down.

Then our guide arrives and leads us down that exact hill.  Then he leads us through this area - where they smoke the fish they catch.

We are led through this area where there is trash every where.

There is water in the middle - so we have to walk along the right - cross by the sticks and then move to the left and back.

We move closer to the lighthouse.

This is a hard laborer.  He has one brick on his head - he stoops to get another one before he takes them to where they need to go.

We are close to the water - but not next to it.  The buildings above have apartments where people live.

This appear to be a community garden.

Our guide leads us next to this school.  

He has just started this school - or this is the story he is telling us - and needs money.

I thought only in the U.S. men wore their shorts so low that 4-5 inches of underpants are showing.  Who comes up with this style?

I am trying to find something picturesque.

The Jamestown Lighthouse.  We got no history on this.

This is a shrine to some white guy who was a slave trader.

He is buried here.

These buildings were all part of the slave trade.  Now this one is a church.

Jamestown fort - we cannot enter to see it.

We enter into this building.  We have to take our hats off in spite of the blazing sun.  It seems to be a church.

I am told that I cannot go close to this area because I am a women.  It is only for men.


More of Jamestown.

My nickname - not sure what they are selling.

We go through many narrow alleyways/

I like the vibrant colors the artists use for the wall art here.

I don't know what the Ghana - Germany connection is.

We go through this area - which is a boxing school - to get to:

We are meant to go down these steps to follow where the slaves were lead to get into the Jamestown Fort.  The steps are steep and uneven.  I say no - I will kill myself on those steps.  Our local guide is unhappy, but leads us onward.  Now we cannot get into the fort as the main entrance is blocked.

Wall art!