Monday, May 20, 2024

5-17 Osu Castle

 Having traveled to Charleston, South Carolina recently, and seeing where the slaves were imported into the U.S.A., it was time to see the other side of the story - where the slaves were captured and put onto ships to travel and work in other countries.  We will see several of these "castles" while in Ghana.  Osu Castle is just outside Accra on the Gulf of Guinea. 

European influence started in the 1500's.  This area of what is now Ghana was controlled by many nations over time.  Portugal, Denmark/Norway, Britain.  At first the area was used in the gold and ivory trade.  The castle was originally built by Denmark/Norway.  

We parked and walked toward the entrance.  We meet our guide.  It is so confusing - we are paying a guide to take us to different sites - then she hires a guide who gives us the actual information for that site.  Half the time she is not sure where things are or where to park or where to go.  We have found out that she is new - it is frustrating to feel like we have to train her.  I will post more on that later.

I took the first photo - and then was informed that I was not allowed to take photos until we were inside.  The castle picture is on the 50 Cede note.  Everyone knows where it is.  It makes no sense that I can't take photos.  So here we are inside the gate - What - no photos we are not "inside" yet!  

I keep taking photos and getting scolded.

OK, now we are actually inside.  There is a very pretty park on one side of the castle.

Really inside now!

Our local guide takes us inside a room where slaves were held.  

The door is closed and it is very dark inside.  This room is where the slaves had to use the toilet.  The toilet being the long deep holes in the floor.  

This little room held about 60 slaves.  There are only a few beds.  Maybe they had to sleep in shifts.

Mary holds up a 50 cede note to show the picture on it.

Then we went out the door the slaves would have used to leave the castle and board the ships for other countries.  These are views from the second story of the castle.

At one point Osu Castle was used as the Presidential office.  

We are now outside the castle on the beach where the slaves would have been put on ships.

A crazy tree with its roots growing on the side of the castle.

I noticed that our guide, Didi and our driver, Mary (one of the Theodora people) asked more questions than Michael and I did.  I wonder what was going through their minds?


  1. That sounds like a thought provoking visit.

  2. yes, I wonder how you guys felt to see that place. Just seeing the pictures and hearing about what happened there moved me!
