Monday, May 20, 2024

5-17 Ghana Craft Market

 I really dislike going to these kind of places.  The pressure to buy stuff is major.  Our guide led us to a particular location.

Where we were told we were going to have a drumming lesson.

They explained about the different kinds of drums and the different kinds of skins used on the drums.  And how that effects the sound of the drum..  Then we were given drums and taught a couple of different rhythms.  I have bump - maybe a cyst, on the inside of one of my fingers - that hurt majorly every time I hit the drum.  

Then they started drumming and singing.

And then Michael says, I want to give you 500 cedi's.  Our guides say - no never tip more than 50 cedi's.  So I say lets buy a mask.  I see one near us that I like - oh it is so much more expensive.  We end up at he front of the store where the mass produced masks are.  That is what we get.  I should have told Mary which one I liked and she could have gone back later and gotten the one I wanted for 500 cedi's - the Ghanian price - not the white mans price.

They were very happy that we paid 500 Cedi's for something that cost them 5 cedi's.  

Later our guide told us she had paid (using our money) for the drumming experience.  I totally felt scammed.  I hate being in a country where everyone is trying to take advantage of you.  You can't trust anyone to be honest with you.


  1. That sounds really difficult, to be in a place where you don't feel like you can trust people.

  2. this makes many places in SE Asia and others not top destinations for me
