Monday, May 27, 2024

5-26 Cape Coast Castle

 This is the second of the "Slave Castles" out of three that we are seeing.  We took a tour of the Oso Castle in Accra and felt that we got all of the Slave history - so we opted to not have a guide and just take photos.

This castle is much larger than Oso Castle.  All of them were built around the same time.

The lagoon next door.

I saw this boat inside one of the rooms.  I am not sure how old it is.

The town of Cape Coast.  The poverty is boggling.

Everyone learns how to carry things on their head from an early age.  The young boy is carrying water to sell.

In spite of the prediction of rain all day - we had great skies in the afternoon.

A slave cell.


  1. Yes, it is really hard for me to grasp that level of poverty, even with pictures.

  2. I wonder what was the prevalence of cell phones?
