Wednesday, May 15, 2024

5-12 Kuala Lumpur Airport

 We are on our second stay at the Sama Sama Hotel at the Kuala Lumpur Airport on this trip.  We flew from Shanghai China to KL and then from KL to Krabe Thailand.  On May 12 we flew from Krabe back to KL.  On the 13th we fly on to Istanbul.

I got such a kick out of the sign in the women's toilet.

Put a little humor into your signage and maybe people will pay attention.  The problem is this sign is in English - so maybe the people it is addressed to can't read it.  I'm thinking they are just trying to make sure the foreign travelers know that they understand the problem.

There are so many times in Asia where I have finally found a Western style toilet - only to find that there is s#@t all over it.  Because in a lot of these countries people squat to go to the toilet.  Many times there will be signs with pictures of what not to do - but still people don't understand something that they have never seen before.  Never- the-less I am always upset when the only western toilet is unusable.  

Squatting to use the toilet requires muscles that I am not used to using.  The problem is exasperated by having a heavy backpack on and a camera hanging around my neck.  Of-course there is no toilet paper provided.  If you think - why don't you take off the backpack and the camera and hang them up?  Let me assure you - there is no where to put them.  The floor with the hole in the middle as a toilet is all soiled from front to back and side to side.  You quickly realize why homes in Asia request strongly that you take your shoes off before you enter.


  1. That is s great sign, and you point out a real clash of cultures.

  2. lol I never put 2 and 2 together regarding the removal of shoes but makes perfect sense! And I can assure you that any age would struggle if not used to squatting with a backpack and biggole camera I think!
