Friday, May 17, 2024

5-14 Istanbul Apartment Views and Food

 Here are a few photos to show our views out our apartment windows.

One morning we saw this scene below us.  It doesn't look like much, except the yellow and grey cars are close to each other.  

Traffic seems backed up on the left.

And in-deed people are arguing about who hit who.  It took quite a while to resolve.  But eventually traffic went back to normal.

The morning of the one full day we have in Istanbul, we decided to go out for breakfast.  We saw a photo of what you could purchase for breakfast.  We pointed to a photo of the dish above.  

However it was in a photo that included all these foods.  We got them all.  It was one of the most expensive breakfasts we have purchased.  It was delicious!  In the basket at the top of the photo there were fries and what seemed like French toast.  The eggs and sausage are on the right.  The bottom dish has a ground meat patty and onion kind of layered pastry.  

A photo of the restaurant from across the street.

That night we found a restaurant for dinner that was several blocks off our main street.  

I got chicken wings, rice pilaf, a roasted tomato, and a salad with roasted peppers.   I ate several bites of the peppers before I realized how hot my mouth felt.  This meal was so much cheaper than breakfast and still quite good.

And that is the last of the Istanbul posts.  We move onto Africa and to Ghana


  1. oh my goodness, such Turkish breakfast envy!!! Was it expensive even by western standards?

  2. It's might have been expensive, but that breakfast looks delicious and memorable.
