Monday, May 20, 2024

5-17 Independence Square/Black Star Square

 Independence Square or Black Star Square was commissioned by Kwame Nkrumah.  It is used to hold independence day celebrations.  The arch is in the middle of a traffic circle.  When we got there our guide had no idea where we could park.  We finally let her out of the car so she could go into the arch area to ask other guides what to do.  So we finally found out where to park.  Then the problem was how to walk across the busy road to get to the arch.  I guess that is why our guide had to hire another guide.

This is in the square itself.  This is where a lot of military shows of force happen and where independence day celebrations also happen.

Now - there are people who sell stuff for tourists.

On the left you can see a guy on a horse.  There are many of these people here - they want to sell you a ride on their horse - up and down the area around the arch - right next to all the traffic.

More school groups here - not just green shirts, but yellow also.

And in the middle of traffic - more sales people.

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