Monday, September 30, 2024

9-30 Morning Sunrise Walk

 I woke up earlier than I expected and decided I might as well walk on the beach.  Going down 20 stories in our elevator is rather slow.  I missed the actual sunrise by a little.

Birds in flight.

Bird tracks!

View of the harbor.

And turning to go back.

Somewhere in the midst of the row of restaurant I found a bakery that was open.  I got a couple of pastries to bring back.  

As I left the bakery I was stopped by a women who noticed my camera.  She had brought her camera with her to El Campello, but had not taken it out.  She got here on Sept 1 and doesn't leave until the end of October - same as us.  She was from Norway, but had lived most of her life in England.  Her five children live all over Europe and Canada - so she travels to visit them.  She had a photo studio in London for a while and wanted to get back into photography.  I will get in touch with her and see where it goes.


  1. that's so cool that you met someone that way - cameras uniting people!
