Thursday, September 19, 2024

9-19 Vasto

 So every day my phone weather app tells me that today there will be severe rain warnings all day.  Some times there is also a severe wind warning also.  So far we have had a least 1/2 of the day be nice weather.  Maybe cloudy and overcast - but a lot of the time the sun comes out at least for a while.  The winds have not been much above 10-15 mph.  

So today we drove an hour south to visit the city of Vasto Italy.  Michael had put our destination as a parking garage very near the old town.  

We just had to walk around the corner to see the castle and the main square.  The skies are very white today - so I am afraid most of them got blown out.

There are shops all around the outside of the lower level.

The statue is of Gabriele Rossetti - Vasto's most famous inhabitant who was a poet.

Then we walked down this hill to see what else there was to see. My guess was that we would get some sea views!

Lots of little cafe's and restaurants as well as churches.  And while there was not scaffolding - there was a cherry picker!

We did not go into the Museo Civic - it looked like it was a work in progress.

And yes,  Vasto does have a nice promenade - here with a view in the distance of the sand beaches with umbrellas and chairs!

This is a view of a Trabocchi.  There a lot of them around the edge of the sea.  Originally these were used for fishing long ago.  Now there are no fish this close to shore and they have been converted into restaurants.

This section of a wall of a church was saved from a massive landslide that occurred here in 1956.  About 40 homes ended up in the sea..

The bell was installed as a memento to the landslide.

The long walkway is called the Loggia di Amblingh

I don't know what the significance of this 8 pointed star is.

There is another walkway down below the original one we are on.

More in the next post - Did I mention I really enjoyed Vasto?