Thursday, September 12, 2024

9-11 Wednesday - Time to visit some more towns!

 We are both feeling so much better.  Finally we can go to sleep when we want to and get up when we want to.  We are not going to spend that much time running around, but it is time to visit more towns on our list.  We decided to drive south to the furthest town - Porto Recanati and make our way back home. 

All you can see from the promanade is the restaurants on either side.

You have to walk down through a restaurant to get to the beach.  the restaurant seems to controll the beach it front of it and also rent out the chairs and umbrellas.  That is my guess anyway.

So from the walkway you cannot see the sea.  From the restaurant you can barely see the sea - for all the chairs and umbrellas.  From your chair - under your umbrella - you probably can't see the sea.  

So we went more into the town.  Looks like an older area - but not medieval.

Afraid this is not for us.  Lets move on.

We drove through Numana - all the same.  You cannot see the sea.  We get to Falconara Maritime.
It is late so we are trying to find a pizza place.  Everyone we try is closed - the season is over!!  We park along the road.  All we see on our left is buildings - businesses or homes.  On our right is a barrier and then railroad tracks.  The beach and the sea seem to be beyond that.  But the barrier stops us from getting there.  The whole area is turning us off - but we are hungry and it is late.  We walk up and down over several blocks north and west (or east) no restaurants are open.  Then we see a man dressed in swim trunks and t shirt - that must be the way to the beach!!  So we go.  We walk along past many closed restaurants - until what to our wandering eyes appears before us?  But an open restaurant!!  We are saved!!

My pasta ragu.

Michael and his seafood pasta.

We see a desert called  Il tartufo homemade.  

It turns out to be chocolate ice cream with a center of very chocolatey sauce and covered in cocoa/coffee powder.  It was quite good.  After that we drove home - no need for any more food today.

We took another walk.  I wanted to get more photos of the area.  The houses in this area are a real mix.  There are some like ours - that have been upgraded and are very nice.  But others along the way look in pretty bad shape.  

Here is our elevator.

patio from my 2nd story bedroom balcony.

It is a windy night - and off to my left I can see the kite surfers.  We have many in El Campello.

The railroad tracks behind our house - they are very close..  The road is off a little distance.

I speeded up my shudder a lot - these passenger trains go very fast.  Some of the cargo trains go much slower and take forever to get past.  In the house, you can feel the vibrations as the trains pass

Our place is on the left.

No beautiful orange light tonight.


  1. Dinner just in the nick of time!

    That house is a lovely blue.

  2. my goodness, the eating seems very fraught indeed!
