Thursday, September 5, 2024

9-3-2024 - Yea - I'm TSA PRE - We are on our Way to Europe! Delta says - No You Are Not!

 It's Tuesday morning.  We are ready early - so opt to get to the Albuquerque airport early.  Michael's nose is beautifully red free.  We check in at the Delta desk.  Suitcases turned over, passports checked, tickets in hand we head up to security and then the food court.

Yes indeed, we are TSA pre, we tell the guard who attempts to head us toward the long lines at security.  We get up to the TSA pre check in.  Several people before me get their drivers license rejected.  How sad, I think, they mustn't have gotten their "real id" drivers license.  My turn!   BEEP!!!  My passport is rejected.  Do you have a drivers license?  Of course - but it is buried at the bottom of my backpack.  I start unpacking everything.  I hand my license to her - BEEP! BEEP!!!!!.  I am so rejected!!  You will have to go back down to the check in desk and they will have to check your information - something was entered wrong!  

We go  back to Delta check-in.  Wait in line again.  The helpful lady checks my Delta profile.  I am Gloria Bruce Podolny.  My date of birth and all other data - is Michael's data!  How the heck did that happen?  She asks for my passport - and changes it all to my info.  We head back to TSA pre check in.  We wait in line AGAIN!  My turn.  BEEP!  BEEP!!!.  "You'll have to go back to the check in desk.  We just did I say,  All the information was corrected.  Well - sometimes it takes a while.  Stand over there and I'll check it again later.  We wait - and wait.  She checks it several more times - always with the same result.  

Finally she calls her boss.  He tries to scan my passport.  BEEP!  He looks at me and says - You will have...   I say I have already been to the check in desk - she corrected it all!  Oh - well I will have to check!  Stay right where you are - and off he goes with my passport.  Time passes - The TSA personal changes to someone else.  There are whispers between the old and the new.  She gives us the eye - ah, the problem people!.  And still we wait.  Michael and I surmise that the problem was caused when Delta had the Crowdstrike problem.  How else could my Delta profile be so messed up?  I certainly didn't change anything.

Finally the boss comes back.  He hands me about 20 more boarding passes - and says use this one.  I try to go to the security.  No, no you are no longer TSA pre - you will have to go to the regular line.  That line is really long - I mean really long.  I am about ready to loose it.  Finally he has pity on me and leads me to the head of the long regular line.  I put my backpack in the bin and turn to get into the Xray line.  Your shoes - the lady behind the security machine says with a huge sigh.  I'm ready to throw them at her - but I don't - I throw them into the bin.  

Now, instead of having a leisurely hour plus to choose what to eat and enjoy it - we have less than 30 minutes.  I can't think of what I would like to eat - finally settle on  pizza.  It tastes like cardboard and I can barely swallow it.  Is that my stress or does it always taste like that I wonder.  We make it to our gate in plenty of time because the plane arrives late and all passengers have to deplane before they clean and then let us board.  So we wait.  

The gate attendant is calling out names to come to the desk at B8.  Suddenly I hear my name called out.  Crap!  Yes - of course - my information is still wrong!  The two people at the desk keep guessing what is causing my information to go back to the wrong information.  Because that seem to be what keeps happening.  The final answer they seem to agree - must be my Delta frequent flyer number.  Every time it is entered it seems to want to change the info to all the wrong info.  Finally I am cleared to fly - AGAIN!  

Finally time to board - my ticket scans with no problem - we are on our way to Salt Lake City.  

The flight is uneventful - we actually arrive on time and have about an hour between flights.  We go to the Delta lounge and then head to our gate early - I want to be sure that there will be no problem with  my ticket.  We check in at the gate desk - they seem puzzled when I ask them to check my information - all is fine!  We board our flight to Amsterdam and are on our way to Europe!


  1. A long tail of repercussions from that summer issue with the computer systems! Alexis
