Thursday, September 5, 2024

9-2-2024 - Our Fall trip starts tomorrow - so what could possibly go wrong?

 As I have mentioned here before - every time, just before we embark on one of our long trips a catastrophe happens.  So Monday morning I am feeling very confident that this time we have escaped disaster.  So far there have been no lights dangling dangerously from the garage ceiling threatening our cars.  No water is dripping from a ceiling light canaster upstairs.  All of our electronics are working perfectly.  

But I come downstairs to make my lunch when out of the corner of my eye, I see Michael sitting on the corner chair in the dining room holding up a bunch of bright red paper towels to his nose and frantically scrolling on his phone.  "You've got a nose bleed," I say - "Duh!" he says, "I think I need to go to the emergency room".  

Nosebleed!  Emergency room!  This does not compute.  Then I start laughing - and no it is not really funny, but here it is - our catastrophe!

His nose has been bleeding heavily for over an hour - Doctor Internet says go to the emergency room!  You can read the rest here:

I drove him to the emergency room - stayed a short while before realizing that even tho there are no other patients in the waiting room, there is also very limited medical help available - it will take a long time.  I am still in the middle of end of the month accounting and have not finished packing.  

Four hours later he calls to let me know he is finally finished and I can pick him up.  I have had enough time to get everything I needed finished.  He is able to get his packing done quickly and we are back on schedule for an on-time departure on Tuesday a little after noon.


  1. I'm glad you were there to do the emergency driving!

  2. So insane and what a way to start the trip! ALEXIS
