Friday, September 6, 2024

9-5-2024 A in Amsterdam Arrives

 Lots of family visits happening this trip.  The first one arrives today.  Our youngest, Alexis, who used to live in Amsterdam and called her blog by her name arrived here from Sweden.  She arrived in Amsterdam a couple of hours late because it was very foggy at the Copenhagen airport.  So we had time to kill this morning.  We thought about going down memory lane and having breakfast at a couple of restaurants we used to go to when A lived here.  But they would be expensive - It would be a lot cheaper to grab some food at the Albert Calp market, we thought.  A market should open early, right?  Wrong.  We walked up and down the main street several times - no food place was open.  Finally tried to find one of the restaurants on the list - only to find a long line.  So back to the market.

One of the chicken places was open - hey just like having fried chicken for breakfast as we did in Thailand.  And my doctor told me to eat more meat!  It was pretty good - had about 6 or 7 different sauces you could put on the drumsticks or chicken wings.  Then we looked for the cheap cap place we had seen earlier - I forgot a hat for the sun and wanted something to last two months.  Finally got back to the beginning to our favorite Frite place.  They were delicious!

Then back to the hotel for a rest and Alexis' arrival.  Of course the first thing she wanted to do was go back to the Albert Calp market to get the same frites - so we had to share of course.  Then went to a cafe for coffee/soda.  Michael and I are tired from all of our walking this morning - so back to the hotel to rest - A went on a walk to do some shopping.  She came back an hour or so later to walk with us to the Ysbreeker restaurant for dinner.  We had a nice long meal and chat before returning to hotel.  Chatted some more sitting at a table just outside our hotel before she had to leave.  She is staying with friends a ways out of town.

A nice way to spend time with our daughter - eating and talking.  We have one more day together tomorrow.


  1. Frites twice in one day! Is that a record for you?

    1. Actually it was 3 times in one day. We also had frites with our dinner. So now we are really done with frites - last time in Amsterdam for sure!
