Sunday, September 22, 2024

9-21 Francavilla Al Mare

 We are staying in another seaside town.  Where we have a view of the sea because we are on the 1st floor (In Europe - in US it is the second floor).  Behind us is the bike path/walkway.  Next is the row of restaurants - followed by the sea of umbrellas and chairs and then the sea.  But sometimes there are areas where there is not restaurant.  To the left of us it seems that a fisherman has a slice of the beach.  He has a boat close to the water that he goes out in to fish. Towards the bike/pedestrian path he has some shacks and another larger boat.  

It has been interesting watching him.  He spends a lot of time getting the boat ready and then cleaning the boat and folding the nets.  Mostly there are 2-3 men who hang around his boat while he works. Today, Sunday it seems he might have brought some fish in.  There were 7-8 people crowded around his boat this morning around 9 am or so.   

This area seems to be closing for the season.  We have walked along the pathway and sometimes it is blocked by people power washing their chairs  No one complains.  A few of the restaurants near us are still open.  

A ways along the bike/walk path is this pier.  

We turned around to walk back to our apartment.

The next day we went out again.  We went to Piazza Serina and beyond.  This  statue is dedicated to those lost at sea.

As we walked back I saw this sticker on a parking payment machine.  This shock me a bit - as we have seen and heard so little English here.

We have not figured out what this is.  In other sea areas it looks much like something to do with fishing farms.

Our neighborhood fisherman's boat.

Our deck - which unfortunately does not get much sun light.


  1. this is a much more posh boat than I was envisaging. I could totally see this being this guy's retirement hobby. I am also surprised by the anti-US sticker but also amused by the poor grammar

  2. The sticker seems odd -are there really that many Americans tourists there?
