Thursday, September 12, 2024

9-12 Thursday - another rest day

 Today I wanted to take another rest day - I need to catch up on my blog posts and be ready to move on tomorrow.  Tonight is our last night in this Airbnb - we have a week in the next Airbnb.  For lunch we are still trying to find pizza.  Our first choice was a pizza place with pretty good ratings - they were closed.  2ns choice was the kabob place - closed.  3rd choice was a  trattoria where the pizza was panned.  Well they are open - lots of locals here.  No pizza on the menu.  I chose grilled fish.  Michael chose grilled lamb and grilled vegetables.  So interesting -he got what he expected.  I got a whole lot more.  Two kinds of fish.  A skewer with shrimp and cuttlefish and two ??shrimp/seafood something on the top right.  Not much meat on them.   But the two fish were excellent.  Mike enjoyed his lamb.  The restaurant was called "The Farm".  Great service - food came quickly was fresh and hot.

Back at our place - it has been raining.  The clouds have been interesting.  So I am taking photos with my phone.

So - I promised an answer to why we needed an elevator in our small house.  Here is the answer.  The staircase inside is extremely small,  You could not get our smallish - 25" suitcases around the sharp corners.  


It is hard enough just getting your body around those corners without falling down the steps.  We have only used the elevator for the suitcases.  

People on a bicycle vacation.  The chase car with all their luggage was right behind.

It has been raining on and off all day.  I am glad we stayed home today.  I have caught up on blogging and will be ready to move on.


  1. I have been following your posts of the towns you have visited visited so far in Italy you have visited so far.
    You have really had adventures in dining!😀

  2. Yes, rest days are important on long trips for me, as well.

    The elevator is an interesting solution to the tiny stair situation...

  3. those cloud pictures are EVERYTHING. So cool
