Monday, September 19, 2022

September 18 Wind Effects

 Sunday was another windy day.  We could hear the crash of the waves from our apartment.  Now that we are in a different time zone we don't skype with our daughters until late afternoon.  So plenty of time for a long walk in the morning.  

You can see how high the waves are coming up on the beach.  The last few days have been the first time the footprints on the beach have been wiped clean!

Then I head up to old town.

And another spot where you can get close to the rocks.

Looking the other direction you can see the sky reflected in pools of quiet water.  The waves are not as high as they had been so the spray is a ways away.

Looking back to the beach the waves are still breaching the rocks and making lovely designs with water.

Then I head back to the peninsula.  The waves round the corner of the platform almost gently.

And then the waves head for the beach.

Another arch to get to the rocks.  The peninsula is across the water from them.

I saw this group of men relaxing together.  Later another motorcyclists joined them.

Checking out the souvenirs.

And heading home.


  1. I thought that the sign referred to a skincare regimen :)

    I like the frame of the sea view.

  2. the way the waves crash up is pretty spectacular!
