Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Hey - We're Here!

 Our trip here was largely uneventful - which is exactly as we like it.  The luggage snafu turned out fine.  It all made it to Cefula.  

Our layover in Munich was long so we had lots of time to walk around.  I kept looking for the camel - but never saw one.

Our car and driver at the Palermo airport was waiting for us and got us to our apartment in Cefula at exactly the time he said he would at 6pm.  The traffic in Cefula was insane!  We were remembering how calm it was when we were here last year for a week in November.  Now the temperature is in the high 80's and very humid.  We quickly unpacked most of our things and then went for a walk along the boardwalk.  This was Saturday night - and was so crowded it was hard to get through all the people.  So we left the boardwalk and stopped at the little take out shop next to our apartment for a panini. We took it back to our apartment to eat as we were exhausted.  I took one bite - I had forgotten how fatty the meat is here.  I ended up taking it out and using the ham we had purchased for breakfast.  I don't need indigestion on the first night here!

There are all kind of burgers on offer as well.  See how many animals we can try made into burgers.  Michael has already said he is going to try them all.  Sorry - not me!

We woke up Sunday morning still a little disorientated.  But we need food - so we set off to Deco Gourmet about 5 blocks away.    Our new trustee shopping cart worked wonderfully.  The three wheel formation on each side meant it could climb curbs and stairs with no problem.  First time shopping meant the cart was full the bag Michael is holding was full and my backpack was full.

Monday morning walk up into the old town - then a left off the main road to be close to the sea.

We spent the day indoors - it is still so hot and humid.  The 10 day forecast is all the same.  We have had to adjust our thoughts of how the days were going to go.  We will go out for a morning walk.  Michael at 6am or so as he gets up so early.  I will go whenever I get up.  Usually between 7:30 and 8am - already pretty warm.  Michael will go shopping for the midday meal in the morning and cook dinner to be ready at between 1:30 and 2:30.  We'll snack in the evening.  And after 7pm we will take a walk.  We will still get sweaty - but the sweat won't be running down our faces like it would at noon.

Views from Monday nights evening walk.  We walk the block from our apartment to the beach and boardwalk.  If we turn right - it is a short walk to the end of the beach and the climb up the hill to the old town.  But turning left on the boardwalk leads to a long walk with many areas like above.  A lot of bars and restaurants with chairs and umbrellas you can rent for the day.  

We walked a long way.  Here is the view back to the beach town area.  The beach is almost continuous from the town until the road turns and goes up a hill.  We didn't quite make it all the way.

A couple of views back to the town from a long distance.

Our snack tonight was microwave popcorn.  It was quite burnt as the microwave settings here are hotter than they are in the U.S. and we are at sea level instead of at 6000 feet!  Only 3 more packages left from the U.S. to get the time and power right!

All photos on this post taken with my iphone 11.


  1. Have you seen the camel yet? Love your sense of humor.

  2. It is tough to go from a dry climate to a humid one. I hope you can acclimate quickly!

  3. I think there is more microwave popcorn you can buy here!
