Saturday, September 24, 2022

Sept 22 Copenhagen Suburbia!

On Wednesday we had the same company we have used before - Palermo Airport Transport - pick us up at our apartment in Cefalu very early in the morning and drive us to the Palermo airport where we took Swiss air to Copenhagen.  We ordered a wheelchair because of my foot injury.  My husband went into detail about the really bad experience with what we thought would be so efficient - Hey Swiss efficiency - right!  Here is a link to his blog -

As we were landing we were treated to this wonderful sunset.

Our son-in-law Rob had rented a car for the period we will be in Copenhagen.  The cost for the car rental is about the same as what it would cost for a taxi to and from the airport and their apartment - $80 each way.  They have been telling us how expensive everything is here - but it is not much worse than US prices.  It was cheaper in Amsterdam and it is way cheaper in Cefalu.

The two granddaughters have school on Thursday and Friday so the adults are free to do some sightseeing alone.  We walked around their suburb and then drove to the beach and head lunch at a restaurant.

Denmark is the home of the open-faced sandwich.  I ordered a club sandwich and got the sandwich above.  The bottom piece of bread is not cut.  So I ended up just cutting the chicken and then cutting the bread with its excellent sauce into pieces and eating them together.  I swear it is so weird to watch Danish people eating a hamburger and fries with a fork and knife.  No one picks up a sandwich with their hands and just eats it!

We walked along the shoreline.  Their were very small sandy beaches - enough space for 5-6 sun bathers on each.  There were people in bathing suits - while we were bundled up for winter.  But they didn't really swim - just dunked themselves into the cold water - then got out and toweled off and were done with it.

Then we headed up to the fort area.  Apparently their are many others like this along the beach.  The steps were very steep.  Alexis and Rob at the bottom.

The cannons are looking pretty rusty!

Then back along the shore we saw this group of boys getting ready to kayak.

A street food stand.

As we headed towards a minor castle.

And then headed back to the car to go pick up Natasha from school. Lia is going to an overnight bonding experience with her classmates and will not be home until after school on Friday.  (In the U.S. she would be in 6th grade.)  Natasha was duly impressed to be picked up by car - as normally she and Lia would take the city bus home  together.  This is very common here in Denmark.  But Natasha is too young to take the bus by herself.


  1. I remember Germans eating the tacos in crunchy shells that I made with fork and knife. It's quite a skill.

    Glad you can spend some time with the family!

  2. looking at those pictures makes me want to go back to that resto!
