Friday, October 29, 2021

October 29 A Day of Rest and Rain

 The weather prediction for today was rain and thunderstorms.  We got the rain - all day - but no thunderstorms.  

It was a very slow day, we finally put the laundry away even though it still felt cold and damp.  It has been "drying" for three days.  We had time to WhatsApp with Lisa & Tim in Shanghai for a while.  They are doing fine and settling in their new home.

Michael made a wonderful lunch of roasted cauliflower, fried potatoes and chicken wings (on the grill).  Lots of dishes to wash - but the meal was worth it!  It was so nice to have a vegetable with the meal.  In Sicily you order everything separately.  Appetizers, Pasta course, Meat course, Salad course and dessert.  At restaurants we usually just order pasta or a meat or fish course.  Then also order a side of grilled veges, if they are available, or a salad.  

Tomorrow will be another tourist day.


  1. sounds like this second rental is much more up your alley. Or up your windy mountain road, to be more precise.

  2. Even as a vegetarian, I frequently find it hard to eat enough vegetables when traveling, unless I do some cooking myself.
