Sunday, April 7, 2019

4-7 - Ateshgah Fire Temple and Yanardag Burning Mountain

We drove to the city for lunch then set off in another direction for the afternoon.  Actually we were way behind schedule.  Our lunch was around 3pm - but it did mean that we got to see the burning mountain when it was getting dark.  This is a Zoroastrian temple that also housed Hindu worship areas.  Both included Fire Worship.

Fire was a big part of the rituals.  It felt good as it had gotten cold and windy.

Oil is a big part of the region.

Pilgrims came from many countries.  I thing these were from India.

Places for the travelers animals

A big part of the Zoroastrian religion seemed to be self-punishment so you would get into the next world after death.  This guy has on heavy chains he wore all his life.

More pottery found on site or from Baku.
 Shiva - part of Hinduism.

These pictures were interesting.  I was afraid the camera wouldn't be focus on it.  As there are 6 pieces of glass each with different elements of the final scene on them.

The bottom inscription is in Persian language.
 A Zoroastrian symbol.

Our last stop was Yanardag or Fire Mountain.  It doesn't seem like a large area.  I think the fire started around 1950 and they cannot extinguish it.  Again it is burning methane.

We did not get back to the hotel until around 7:30pm.  We skipped dinner as we had such a late lunch.  Also skyped with a daughter so didn't get these done until Monday morning.

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