Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Hangin Around the Hood!

 After the excitement of this morning and our complete change of plans - we decided to just explore the streets around us.  The mix of restaurants, clothing stores, motorbike repair places is a little jarring.  But mostly there are food places.

Jojo wanted mochi.  These are made of glutinous rice flour and usually filled with red bean paste according to Jojo.  Apparently they can have some custard inside as well.  In Taiwan they can be rolled in peanuts or sesame seed.  Jojo said they were not very good - I think they did not match the ones she gets in Shanghai.  None of the ingredients appeal to me at all.

The front of this store seemed to be some kind of food vendor.  The back area - maybe a little like a discount store?

Sausages and maybe duck?

I want to find the irregular Taipei Cafe.

It actually seems to be a Western type bakery.

We saw a lot cafeteria style eateries.

Motorbikes are everywhere.

Things you see around the neighborhood - especially down alleys.

A hamburger place.

The local laundromat - about 4 machines.

Another alley.  Those fans are everywhere.

This temple is along a busy highway - across from where we are walking.

We came across this traffic mirror.  I had to take photos to catch the busy traffic.

Mirror in context.

Another food place.

And yet another.

Security cameras.

We did not cross the street to see exactly what Scholar Cake looks like.

And one last street scene.  It is hard to see - but if there are actual sidewalks - they are most likely used to park motorbikes.  More often the area for people to walk on is like the painted green area below.  But also cars park here.  So often you are walking in the street as the people on the right are.


  1. I have never had mochi rolled in sesame seeds. They sound delicious!

    Glad you were able to roll with the punches, as it were, and entertain yourselves locally today.

  2. I also want to see irregular Taipei Cafe!
