Monday, April 29, 2024

4-18 Yuyuan Garden

 On April 18 Michael and I braved the Shanghai metro and set off for parts on-known (at least to us) to explore.  It turns out metroland is the same as airportworld - there is just a few different designs, otherwise they are pretty much the same.  In other words - it was not so hard to figure out.  Lisa had given us to metro cards already topped up and ready to use.  The Taipei metro only had six different lines - Shanghai has 14 - so it is a little more complicated.  

We made it to our first destination Yuyuan or Yu Garden without any problems.  

We were greeted by this beautiful view as we exited the metro.

Right before the entrance to the gardens there are a whole bunch of stores like this.  It seems to be the gold selling district.

Michael at one of the first displays.

Steam coming out of the rocks was a repeated feature.

The garden areas were interspersed with buildings displaying historic relics.

Another historical display - you could only look into a window to see these.

Some reflection in the water.

Doorways shaped like vases.  

A rooftop display of a warriors.

This backpack stayed here for a long time.  No one paid it any attention.  China has so many policies I disagree with - but having cameras everywhere has almost cut out theft completely.  Would you trade a U.S. with no guns and very little theft for a U.S. with cameras everywhere?  It is something to think about.

And like every other tourist place - there is a bunch of police riot equipment.  The Chinese are always prepared.