Friday, April 19, 2024

4-13 Lijiang River Cruise

 After our second night in Guilin we are heading on to Yangshou and the Lijiang River Cruise.  This time we absolutly need to get going on time.  As we have to get to the boat early so Lily can show them all the documents - and the boat waits for no one!

We went to the front of the boat on our same level.  Not realizing that we passed through the first class section.  Eventually we were rejected - as this deck was reserved for first class.

This is the money shot!  Lisa is holding a 20 rmb (Chinese money).  The picture on the bill is what is shown in the background.  Everyone was trying to get this shot.  

We are in (I think) 2nd class.  

Scenes on the river.

You can camp here.

I was hoping for water buffalo - but we only saw cows.

One of the entrances to a famous cave.

A lot of times when groups book tours they will dress the same.  This is the red boat.

This rock formation is called the nine horses.  I could not see it.  But I just smile and nod my head.

Chinese flags are everywhere.

Arriving back at port.


  1. I love that blue shirt on you! You're looking radiant mom. I think traveling suits you :)

  2. Well, in my opinion you are first class!

  3. The shirt does look blue! It is actually white with peach and other pastel colors. As you know I love photography so I was in my happy zone. Good thing we were on a boat - I couldn't wander off too far!
