Tuesday, January 3, 2023

January 3 - Chew Jetty

 After a while the Chinese Kongsi houses were not serving their purpose as well.  They were doing a lot of trading and merchandising on the waterfront.  So it just made since to move their operations there.  The Chew jetty is one of the largest and most visited.  The organization was moved to houses built on stilts in the water.  A small village still remains living there today.

Again each clan built a temple.  This one is on land just before the jetty.

We took a side path - and were quickly guided back to the main area.

This looks like newspaper to me - for insulation?  

Note the stilts below.

Fishing cages.

An example of what the original boats would have looked like.

And what they look like today.  You could take a ten minute ride in some of these.  Hardly worth the effort of getting into the boat!

And across the way you can see another of the clan jetties.

And another clan jetty on the other side.  It looks like the temple may be built on stilts here.

Shoes outside the door.  We were given flip flops to wear in our current apartment.

An alleyway.