Tuesday, January 3, 2023

January 3 Cheah Kongsi

There are a lot of Chinese in Penang - and they have left their influence here since the late 1700's.  The Chinese like so many others, were trying to escape very poor conditions in their own country and searching for a new beginning in Malaysia.  They started organizations with a central location to help all the new immigrants who came later.  

Originally there were nine clans who built places to help the next generations.  These were known as Kongsi and the first in 1810 was the Cheah Kongsi.  People in each of the nine Kongsi each came from the same area or village in China and had the same last name - So we have the Cheah, Lin, Lim, Khoo, Ong, Yeoh, Tan etc. Kongsi.

Bit first some street scenes.  There is a lot of street art in Penang.

Street Art.

Michael wanted to eat here - maybe all things carrot?

We passed this work house -

and caught this man at work.

Penang also has the Trishaw - but they are not as gaudy as in Melaka.

This was the entrance into the Cheah Kongsi.  But we had neglected to buy tickets at the office next door so had to go back.  Meanwhile we are hot and tired.

So we took a break at a shop across the street where we got our favorite drinks.  Michael got coconut juice and for me - mango juice.

Somehow we missed this sign the first time around.

Each of the Kongsi built their own temple.

They had a few historical items to view.  I liked this old typewriter.

Remember when this was what our tv's looked like?

A Singer sewing machine - clothing typical of the era above.

Typical Chinese kitchen implements.


  1. they can't have been that downtrodden to be able to build that size and luxury of house I guess. Maybe the tired masses have smaller homes nearby... :)

  2. It's always a lot more fun for me when historical houses or buildings have artifacts like this in them. It's easier to see what life was like.
