Tuesday, May 10, 2022

May 9 On to Costa Nova

 Between Aveiro and where we are staying is a fishing village called Costa Nova.  It is known for its stripped houses.  I thought it would be a cute stop on our way home.  The skies are grey - no more blue sy7!

So new construction mimics the stripped houses of old.

Fishing is still an integral part of the village.  All the fishermen are back - but still need to repair their nets.

The original tiny houses.  Most of those we saw were not stripped.

But some were.

Some were tiled.

Or brightly painted.

Or just basic cement.

This photo is back in our little enclave of Vagos Beach.  Michaels joke is that we need to take a left at the fork to get to our apartment.  But actually the fork is stabbing a fish!


  1. The construction materials are so different than what we use in the States. I wonder what it's like to live in a cement house.

  2. I am really curious now how busy this village gets in the summer. I can imagine for day trips it can be quite popular
