Friday, June 30, 2023

June 14 - Benidorm with Grandkids

 We had heard that Benidorm had a great beach and a different vibe than El Campello even though it also had a lot of expats.  Benidorm is know as "Little Manhattan" as it has so many high rise buildings.  You can see them better from the house we rented in Benidorm.  

We took a selfie as soon as we arrived at the beach.  Y and I wanted to stick our feet into the Mediterranean again, while the guys wanted to explore the stores along the beach.  So I didn't see much of A after this photo.

The swans are easy to spot!

After their hot walk in the sun the guys were pretty tired an hungry.  We joined them at a nice beach side restaurant for lunch before heading back to our rental.  Y and I only had time for the water and lunch!


  1. Those are some colorful beaches! I hope the grandkids enjoyed them.

  2. love Y's look!! She's ready for college
