Saturday, June 1, 2024

5-31 Gyamadudu Museum

 Nas researched and found this museum that was supposed to be more about the local regular people - not the kings and queens.  It was in the opposite direction as the Kente cloth museum we had just left.  Our driver didn't really want to go - he and Nas argued about it.  She persisted - after all we are paying him by the day to drive us around - and we are also paying for his fuel.  

We finally found it - and drove down this red rutted path to get to it.  It looked all over-grown with nature.  The entrance was not really passable.

The entrance is through her breasts.

The road to the museum - the car and our driver who Nas told us was afraid of this whole setup and never left the side of his car.  There was an opening besides that pile of rock behind the car.

So we walked through that open gate to see this.  There were these big signs with drawings and sayings on them.  You might need to enlarge this to see what it says.

One of the doors in - locked.

Then there was this large building - a work in progress as building supplies were inside.  As we got close to it a wild dog slunk out of it and disappeared into the brush.  There were several well-laid out paths into the wooded area - Nas was beside herself trying to get us not to go on them.  It turns out she is also afraid.  She was freaked out by the giant head of the women at the entrance.  Honestly - I was not excited about walking though those breasts myself!  

Meanwhile several people have walked or driven by our car.  They were asked to contact the manager.  One said he would.  Another person said someone was here yesterday - but didn't come today.  After waiting a while - with no one coming we decided to leave.  Nas was clearly uncomfortable. Both Michael and I peaked into a building.  All I saw were some large replicas of  heads on the floor.  

Another museum not meant for us.  I really would have liked to have seen it.  After reading the signs I had a hard time imaging what the intent of this museum was.


  1. what an enigma!!! Not quite finished, this museum? Why were Nas and the driver so worried? Did you guys also pick up on that vibe?
