Saturday, June 1, 2024

5-30 Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

 We went the back way onto the University grounds.  The next day or our way to the Kente Cloth museum, we passed the front entrance and were duly impressed.  We were headed toward the Arts part of the University.  The campus is huge - apparently the land belonged to the ruler.

The sign above talks about joining the University so you can migrate to the U.S.

This part contains a lot of the students artwork.

Giant sized Kwame Nkrumah

Nas asked permission - and we went into this building to see what the students were doing.  It was basic pottery 101.  Each student had to put the clay into a wooden box make it level and cut the clay into exact rectangles.  I wanted to take a photo of one of the students doing this - but this guy thought I wanted his photo - so I took it.

The box in the foreground was filled with the rectangle the student is cutting.

Unfortunately I am very tired and am not finding anything we have done today pull me in or excite me to take photos.  


  1. probably your body is asking you to put all your energy into recovery!

  2. It's interesting to see what skills they are learning as the basis of sculpting.

    I hope you feel more energy soon!
