Saturday, June 1, 2024

5-30 Manhyia Palace Museum

 The mosque was an unplanned stop - now we are back on schedule.  First up is the Manhyia Palace Museum.  We took a few photos of the grounds.

Then we had to walk to the Gift shop to buy our tickets and pick up a guide.  I swear the guides all go to the same school to learn their trade.  They have memorized the entire presentation and speak in low monotone voices.  When we get to a new exhibit - or there is an interruption - the guide starts over - My name is xyz and I will be your guide.  Later we learned from Naz that the school system here is based on the UK school system.  Memorization is the key - the students are not taught to think for themselves or taught how to analyze something to reach a solution.  No photos are allowed in the Museum.

In fact - the museum was very boring (the gift shop was more interesting).  It was all about the Asante royalty and their history since late 1800's until now.  Lots of replicas of the kings and Queen mothers.  I am not exactly sure of the process of choosing a new king - but it sounded like the queen mother choose the king or the king choose the queen mother - always closely related.  It could be a mother and son, or a brother and sister, an uncle and niece, etc.  

1 comment:

  1. oh dear, not the best part of your visit! I'd be curious to hear what that was in Ghana
