Sunday, September 30, 2018

Gruene, TX and Travel on Sunday 9-30

Gruene was everything I had hoped for.  Old buildings from the early days of the German settlements in Texas.  Of-course a lot of them were now used for tourist venues, some were preserved as museum pieces.  I thoroughly enjoyed wandering around the area looking for photo shots.  The weather has continued to be grey with occasional peeks of blue sky.  I like taking pictures in this kind of weather if I can omit the sky, but that is not always possible to tell the whole story.  So hopefully these shots give you a good idea of what Gruene is all about.

First off, buildings on main streets.

The old Grist Mill converted into a restaurant.

Of course there is an out-house.

Old buildings - probably used to house supplies for maintaining the area.

An old barn used for a store for pottery and fine arts.

I love to take pictures of wood grain.  It is so beautiful.

An old home, complete with gingerbread, used as a bed and breakfast.

Another restaurant.

Love the pink fading paint - now a bed and breakfast.

The famous Gruene water tower.

The rest of the day we spent driving to Baton Rouge, LA  Lots of traffic on Route 10.  Only one or two accidents, intermittent rain, but still a lot of activity for a Sunday. We are looking forward to a couple of quiet days in our apartment in Baton Rouge.

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