Saturday, April 29, 2023

April 8 Hillsboro

 This town, just like Magdalena, is making a come back.  The inhabitants seem to be very neighborly and community oriented.  We had lunch at the cafe below.  

The side wall had this painting on it.

One of the locals with his lunch.

We found this side yard with all kinds of antiques.  I'm not sure if they were for sale - I didn't see any prices.  

This seems to be a community meeting place.  When we first drove into town these chairs were filled with people.

The town is still a mix of buildings that have been renovated and others in need of it.  And lots of junk laying around.  Altogether, an interesting place to visit.


  1. it seems like the average age is a bit older in all of the photos for these communities

  2. It's great that people are trying to revitalize these towns. I wonder how hard it is to find employment nearby.

  3. Enjoyed your pictures.
