Tuesday, April 26, 2022

April 26 Olhao

 Today we took a quick trip to a town just a short ways away from Pechao - called Olhao.  It is pronounced something like Olhow, but an umlaut over the "o".  Again it has a waterfront with a marina.

These benches were interesting.  All had tile pictures of fishing or village scenes.

This is the mercado where we ended up buying a dorado fish to make for dinner.

Doorways - one of my favorite things to photograph.

Here as all over Portugal, tile is in use everywhere.

To emphasize Olhao's active fishing busines, you see these kind of planters everywhere.

As it was in Spain - Storks do well here.  there were several nests on the Igreja Matriz de Olhao.

This is a museum of the seafaring history of Olhao.  It was free to see so we did go in.

Back to the church - this time inside.

And inside the museum.

The hostel across from the church had this apt name.

Another street scene.